Wednesday, May 19, 2010

because everyone deserves a few sleep ins a year.

An excerpt from a holiday to the top of the blue mountains.

Thoughts while reading Through Painted Deserts(By Donald Miller)
I think I've been buying things as a way of feeling some kind of change. hmm.

Wallabes in the backyard, feral mountain kids in the frontyard.
Sri Lankans to my left-
hot tub to my right.
Laura in bed with a turquoise blanket covering us both.
It reminds me of home. The space heater reminds me of home- but without all the dripping sounds that used to sing me to sleep from my space heater growing up.
The blanket is that material. The soft kind. Not the itchy kind.

I'm wearing my glasses. I feel like Holly Wagner.

The sink is blue. Stony blue with a little engraved kangaroo etched into the top in case you forgot what continent you were on while you washed your face.
When you spit toothpaste it looks like fireworks. I never realized how widespread your spit goes when you brush your teeth. It makes me want to rush home and properly scrub the other white porcelain utility of the bathroom.

Also, there is a towel heater.
I'd like to bring that home.

This place reminds me of that time I went skiing with the church. It's not as pretty, but still really awesome. This place has a reading nook, and for that I like it better.


That is all I wrote that night.

Here are a few pictures from the rest of the weekend of doing nothing but pondering happenings and reading books.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Hair Update

I can put it in a pony tail.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

my friends are creative.

Film & Art Festival

3 our of the 4 girls in this video live with me.
the other is married to the man with the plan.

we're all friends.
I had to work this day.
This day was good because this happened.


we need dental insurance.

Rebekah is my friend. She is innovative.

She and Sara keep the fun happening in my world. I laugh more with those 2 than anyone else in my world.

This was Sara and I's Easter blow out. Hence the need for dental.

Buzz & Woody were particularly good additions to the Easter Season.

The bunnies are German chocolate, and they were hazelnut and delicious!
(the only reason we bought them was for the cute hair ties around their flimsy little necks)

Cadbury eggs were $2.50 a pop. We got them on sale for a dollar and high fived one another.


Easter was beautiful. I led worship for the little ones wearing bunny ears, met up with the Hine girls from home, ate Subway in the sun next to the Harbour, and then semi-organized a bunch of beautiful little people to be part of the special Film & Arts Festival at the Sydney Entertainment Centre. They did a song from the 'Where the Wild Things Are' soundtrack, and the kids sang the woahs while wearing these adorable little wolf ears... Some of them hated it. But they/I got to meet Stan Walker (Current Australian Idol) & Guy Sebastian. Guy really just waved, but it was still a cool moment for the girls. They were lovesick before entering the stage. I'm amazed at the lovestruck preteen. Was I like that?!

Here's some photogaphy, courtesy of my beautiful Georgia girl, Haylie Montegomery:
(If you look really closely at the first picture, on the screen above the kids, you can see my torso standing in front of the kids on the other side of the can also tell they were taken with a legit camera instead of photo booth.)

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

soul food

This is the day before the first day of the second Colour of the year.

I decided today that I was sick of being healthy.
I bought a 2.25litre of Cola, white Tim Tams and some of those liquid breakfast drinks in vanilla falvouring. I'm convinced I'll be sick next week because of my lack of nutritional intake, but this is my taste bud's way of getting some soul food.

Tim Tams are purely for the soul.
Especially when they're on sale at Cole's for $2.00.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

It's been some time

My details are wrong. I don't work at Riverside Church anymore.
I am no longer arguing about songwriting with Caitlin.

It's amazing how much you can change in one year.
My about me is based on things I don't like-- and the new me would never write about the hates only the loves. The hates are no longer worth mentioning (aka answering the phone..hate that) because there is so much more passion and vision in writing about what you love.

Things I'm currently in love with:

- short curly hair
- swedes & canadians
- phoenix & metric & the temper trap
- maxedia
- Continental brand 4 for $5 pasta packets
- feta cheese
- moccassins
- talking about the Olympics with my Canadian flat mate
- chai lattes(some things never change)
-mochas(that's new)
- bright floral arrangements that don't involve carnations
- the House of God
- floral dresses
- carrots during road trips
- Bourke Street
- books
- time to read books
-time to read a book and drink a chai latte

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Cairns --> Sydney road trip 09

5 of my friends and I rented 2 camper vans, and ventured through the east coast of Australia. It takes 36 hours to get from point A to point B, but we decided to do it in 6 days. It was the best trip I've ever been on! These people are golden.

Rebekah(Vancouver, Canada), me, and Lisa(Jersey)
Our home on the road.

The boys.
Danzo(Florida), Alf(Germany), Carson(Edmonton, Canada)

July 16th- flew to Cairns
-The sweet waterfalls that I was too sick to go in and enjoy
Milla Milla Falls
---Milla Milla Falls (where Bekah proved her womanhood)
so cold. How did they get in?!

Tarzan. aka Danzo

Rebekah proving she isn't scared.

---Zillie Falls
---Ellinjaa Falls (me & Carson explored the forest)
Carson exploring
---Found Coconuts on the side of the road to EAT!
Alf and Bekah enjoying fresh coconut

Pretty Lisa
July 17th – still in Cairns
-Free breakfast at a really nice hotel thanks to Mr.Hargis
-Great Barrier Reef
If only I had an underwater camera. It was incredible!
---Lisa, Rebekah and I snorkelled and took a submarine thing to cool parts of the reef
me and my gear

In the semi-submersible boat

sunshine. mmmm.

jump in!

poking sea cucumbers

What a tiny starfish!
---Carson, Alf and Danzo scubaed all the way to the depths of the reef...which isn't that far down

Alf is stoked
---8 hour cruise with BIG buffet lunch
-Boys locked the keys in their camper, and then proceeded to retrieve them. I went on a road trip with McGiver.
found the key!

the Savior! A Hanger!
-12 hour drive to Bowan- lots of energy drinks
July 18th – Bowan
-Saw the sunrise beachside-- and then went to bed.

Please note Bekah's foot wear
-Chilled at Bowan beaches all day long.
---Tanned on top of sweet rocks
---I dropped our camper keys between 2 very large Australian-been-there-forever rocks.
---Rebekah dove down(because she was the only one who was in the water) and saved the day!
---She got all scratched up!
---She saw an orange and black eel!
---It was scary!
-Drove to Airlie Beach
Bowan's Big Mango
sugarcane! Heaps of it!
Lisa liked driving the most.
Airlie Beach! We missed the other college crew by like. an hour. so crap.
---road games
---LOTS of dead wallabes and kangaroos
---we made pancakes at Airlie
July 19th – middle of nowhere
-the boys almost ran out of gas and we had to wait til daylight for anything to open
woke up on the side of the road.
the gas station.
-Peed in a nasty nasty toilet on the side of the road. It was awesome.
-Drove to a park and had breakfast together
wrong side of the road, wrong side of the car. bring it on.
-Went to Tannum Beach (pretty! Go back!) also in the middle of nowhere. We spotted a little beach sign, and decided it was the last warm beach we would go to for awhile, so we took a little detour.
-Started our drive to Sunshine Coast
goin a little crazy
-midnight- we made soup and toast for dinner, and fell asleep beachside.
July 20th – Sunshine Coast
- Woke up to a man BANGING on the campers telling us to leave or there would be a fine. Oops.
-Hung out in Noosa Heads all day
showering where we can

al merrick's surf school
Noosa. pretty touristy, but still beautiful.

---Went to 2 different beaches
---Saw crabs and hermits hanging out on the rocks I was reading on.
---Subway. Mmmm.
-Brisbane (really lame)

-Surfer's Paradise (would have been fun if we weren't DEAD tired. No photos, too tired to take them)
-Slept on the side of the road in Byron
July 21st – Byron Bay
-Woke up at 6:30am to viscious knocking and a warning to get off the side of the road.. haha. We can't win!
-Sightseeing in Byron Bay – little hippie town. I'll go back.

---Chilled at Byron Bay Sanctuary Beach
---Had the best burger of my life at Railz Pub
this is not a burger. I don't really know what this is. The question is: do we eat it?
Some of the heroes on this statue have inappropriate names. If you zoom in...
July 22nd – DRIVING---my camera died...
-The Big bananna- tobagging at a kids theme park for $3
-shopping at used books stores and music shops
-stopped in lots of little cities.
---Drove a lot! So good!
---Drove in Sydney!
-Came home!